Dental instrument cleaners

9 companies | 13 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
liquid cleaner
liquid cleaner
Detro Instruclean

... cleaning of a wide range of medical instruments, from surgical instruments and laboratory equipment to the essential instruments of dental surgery. This product has been ...

concentrated cleaner
concentrated cleaner
Detro Dent R

... cleaning stainless steel instruments in the dental field, this dental cleaning solution offers an effective solution to improve the hygiene and performance of instruments. ...

acid cleaner
acid cleaner
Detro Dent

Detro Dent is a concentrated dental cleaning solution specially developed for the cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel dental instruments. Designed to improve the hygiene and performance ...

liquid cleaner
liquid cleaner

For dental use by spraying on impressions including Silicone, alginates, hydrocolloids and synthetic elastomers. Hydroalcoholic formula with broad spectrum activity. Quick activity in just 5 minutes. Dries rapidly ...

liquid detergent
liquid detergent
Lysonox® Viking

Fully stabilized and selective enzymatic blend. No need for activation Excellent compatibility with various types of materials Removes any type of multi-component organic residue Effective also for complex medical devices (eg endoscopes ...

dental instrument cleaner
dental instrument cleaner

... surgical and dental instruments. Ruhof’s Bone Cement Remover eliminates the need to use metal tools to scrape and chip away cement which can scratch instruments’ surfaces. These micro-scratches ...

disinfectant cleaner
disinfectant cleaner

disinfectant cleaner
disinfectant cleaner

NIGHT CLEANER ensures the decontamination and prevents biofilm formation in water lines of all EMS AIRFLOW® units and extends their life when used daily. NIGHT CLEANER is a ready-for-use solution to be ...

alkaline cleaner
alkaline cleaner
BePro TE

... reagents and organic compounds that have settled on instruments and glassware. Alkaline detergent › Elimination of various soiling types on laboratory glassware › Can be used in ultrasonic bath › ...

See the other products
W&H Dentalwerk International
solvent-based cleaner
solvent-based cleaner

Solvent for cements and zinc oxide-eugenol pastes. It allows the cleaning of dentures, instruments, acrylic resin prostheses, impression trays, etc.

See the other products
scheftner dental
500 mL cleaner
500 mL cleaner

For contra-angles, handpieces, electric micro motors, turbines, couplings, air micro motors internal and external cleaning. Recommend before lubricating. Advantages Universal. Removes dirt and debris from equipment. Dissolves ...

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