Dental laboratory dublicating machines

3 companies | 3 products
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dental laboratory dublicating machine
dental laboratory dublicating machine

... equipment such as the MIXYGEL K . MIXYGEL K has been designed with the continuous workload that mixers are subjected to in dental laboratories in mind. Its extremely modern and ergonomic design and its ...

dental laboratory dublicating machine
dental laboratory dublicating machine

DENTA GEL is a duplicating machine used for melting and mixing thermoreversible hydrocolloids. Due to its electronic regulation and the robust construction, DENTA GEL offers a number of distinctive advantages: • ...

dental laboratory dublicating machine
dental laboratory dublicating machine

Product information "LUKADubli" Agar Mixer for duplicating technology with programming and timer function. Heating system with an accuracy of +/- 1 ° C and overheating protection. 5 liters.

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