Dental prosthesis cabinets

4 companies | 4 products
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dental prosthesis cabinet
dental prosthesis cabinet
109000 series

Height: 21, 38, 57 cm
Width: 42 cm

... last row. The modular construction allows space-saving stackability, the sloped handles cover the lower drawers, hence the teeth are protected from dust that is inevitable in the laboratory. Each drawer holds 54 anterior ...

storage cabinet
storage cabinet

... for 28 posterior sets, - for combination of 14 anterior and 28 posterior sets, facilitate to organize workplace in dental lab.

dental prosthesis cabinet
dental prosthesis cabinet

... modular A3-sized system for long-term, clearly-arranged and material-appropriate storage of VITA products in laboratories and dental practices.

storage cabinet
storage cabinet

... 48 Anteriors plates or 36 Posteriors plates. Convenient for organized storage. (Plates size as per Yamahachi artificial teeth lines) (Size) W 285 X D310 X H220 (mm)

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