Dental unit footswitches

8 companies | 8 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch
224900 series

Foot pedals with functions: Chip air, Spray, Motive air Activates all functions of the instruments, while avoiding any risk of cross contamination The electric and electropneumatic versions are equipped with potentiometer for micromotor Production ...

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

... facilitate your interventions in a more ergonomic and safe way. Ancar develops constant technological improvements in its dental equipment. One of its latest innovations is the wireless pedal, which improves ergonomics ...

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

On/off foot pedal with buttons easily cycling through flow rate, micromotor direction, preset selection, and torque settings.

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

Electronic instrument foot control, with or without spray and chip-blower function. The joystick moves the chair and can be combined with work programmes, the Trendelenburg position, the rinse position, automatic reset, ...

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

... transportable laser units. Robust fibreglass-reinforced plastic foot control GRP protective flap provides maximum protection from unintended actuation (IEC 60601-2-22) Minimal design Waterproof: IPX8 (IEC ...

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

This controller is basic for NK and Cart units Controller standard This controller is basic for NIKA and DUET Units Controller with ...

dental unit footswitch
dental unit footswitch

... . Standard pedal control Allows you to adjust the speed or power of the instruments, the spray and the chip air. Pedal Control Plus As well as activating the adjustment of the speed or power of ...

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