Digital assessment systems

7 companies | 12 products
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occlusal assessment system
occlusal assessment system

Easy determination of the occlusal position in digital complete denture prosthetics UTS CAD is a registration device for measuring the angle of the occlusal plane in relation to Camper's plane and the bipupillary line. The ...

temporo-mandibular joint assessment system
temporo-mandibular joint assessment system

... dysfunction. Joint vibration analysis helps clinicians identify disturbances with various types of dysfunction found on the Piper Scale of jaw joint dysfunction. The unique solution BioJVA™ provides is it’s ability ...

occlusal assessment system
occlusal assessment system

... monitor throughout treatment Improve efficiency by reducing repeat visits Differentiate your practice by embracing digital technology Complement the use of intraoral scanner (T-Scan provides different but essential ...

temporo-mandibular joint assessment system
temporo-mandibular joint assessment system

... extremely helpful in this situation. So why use analogue methods to generate a bite registration in this day and age when a digital approach can make it much easier and safer? Here at theratecc GmbH & Co. KG, we dedicated ...

temporo-mandibular joint assessment system
temporo-mandibular joint assessment system
Centric Guide® 2

... few system components Centric Guide® offers an intuitive, forward-thinking workflow for every reproducible bite registration in centric relation. This is both analogously as well as digitally feasible. FUNCTIONALITY Centric ...

occlusal assessment system
occlusal assessment system

... ALLOWS TO EVALUATE THE ACTIVITY OF THE MAIN MASTICATORY MUSCLES, ANTERIOR TEMPORALIS AND MASSETERS. Three simple reasons Digital Analysis The exam consists of two tests to measure muscle activity in maximum intercuspidation: ...

occlusal assessment system
occlusal assessment system

The Innobyte is a bite force measuring device that is precise, reliable, and easy to use. In a few seconds, obtain an accurate measurement of the bite force of your patients. Place the protective cover on the mouthpiece Measure ...

kinematic assessment system
kinematic assessment system

... Unlimited use Large-scale use No Radiation Easy Opération - Takes Only About 10 Seconds From Cl to L5, simply roll the "3D Electronic Spinal Measurement Device" gently down along the spinous processes once to obtain ...

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Shanghai Forethought Medical Technology
occlusal assessment system
occlusal assessment system
T-Scan™ Novus

... clinically recognized and research validated digital occlusion analysis system. With T-Scan, you are able to see where you couldn't before using traditional occlusal indicator methods. Our state-of-the-art, ...

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