Elderly care patient simulators

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2 companies | 3 products
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palpation patient simulator
palpation patient simulator

... based on “Mosby's” Guide to Physical Examination(7th ed.)” 2. The models can be attached to the lower leg of a simulated patients or a training manikins 3. 4 levels of pitting ede,a according to pressures and the ...

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Kyoto Kagaku
pressure sores patient simulator
pressure sores patient simulator

MW63 Pressure Sores Simulator is a decubitus care skills trainer for the new era. Its detailed representation allows for a wide range of training scenarios, including sore assessment , ultrasound assessment ...

See the other products
Kyoto Kagaku
airway management patient simulator
airway management patient simulator

The Lifecast Body Simulation 'Pete' and 'Vivian' Senior Manikins represent a highly accurate Lifecast 82 year old male and female adult bodies designed and manufactured in the UK. Lifecast Seniors feature lifelike fine details such as ...

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