Electrolyte analyzers with auto-sampler

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
automatic electrolyte analyzer
automatic electrolyte analyzer

... , tests, calibrations… Transmission of results free from interferences Technical characteristics Overview Electrolyte analyzer 5 parameters maximum, 60 tests per hour Samples : whole blood, ...

automated electrolyte analyzer
automated electrolyte analyzer

50 test/hour. Fully automation, real walk away System, with autoloader. 24 hours non stop working mode, suitable for emergency samples.

automatic electrolyte analyzer
automatic electrolyte analyzer
103AP V3 Plus

... Optional External codebar reader input Optional Serial output RS232 LIS conection Quality control feature Autosampler

automatic electrolyte analyzer
automatic electrolyte analyzer

... position to insert the emergency sample at any time ● Independent sampling turntable as optional function part, fully-auto or semi-auto can be switched on machine system Technical Parameters ● ...

automatic electrolyte analyzer
automatic electrolyte analyzer
BKE series

It is a fast, accurate, convenient and practical clinical testing instrument. Features: 1. The software supports automatic potential tracking correction to ensure stable performance 2. Automatic monitoring and filtering of tiny ...

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