ENV outlets

2 companies | 4 products
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ENV outlet
ENV outlet
3776 series

... The medical gas outlet shall be SILBERMANN ENV type manufactured according to ISO 9170-1 ENV 737-6. The outlet shall be gas-specific by indexing each front service ...

DIN outlet
DIN outlet

... the medical gas distribution system. All outlets are 100% hydrostatic tested for leaks The outlets are factory-assembled. Can be used with Air or N2 The Airmotor Outlet shall ...

ENV outlet
ENV outlet
3776 series

Portable ENV Outlets (also referred to as couplers) are available in 4 gas types: oxygen, Air, Vacuum, and Nitrous Oxide. These outlets are with 1/4" NPT connection. Examples of ...

DIN outlet
DIN outlet

AFNOR TERMINAL UNIT (WALL, BEDHEAD, CEILING PENDANT) Maximum operating pressure (bar) : - 10 Gas compatibility : - Medical gases

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