Escherichia coli swabs

3 companies | 3 products
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microbiology swab
microbiology swab
1 000 101

Length: 15 cm

... Peel back wrapper to expose both caps. Remove swab and sample test site. Remove cap of culture tube with thumb and forefinger and discard. Insert swab in culture tube and push down fully to immerse ...

microbiology swab
microbiology swab

... Oralcavity, throat, nasopharynx, anus etc. Nasal swabs: Flocked swabs have no toxic effect on viruses, DNA, RNA free.It maximizes the collection, release RNA, and ensure the accuracy PCR test results. ...

microbiology swab
microbiology swab

... Salmonella typhi Brucella abortus Staphylococcus epidermidis Escherichia coli, etc. Media is supplied in its liquid form, in a sponge, suitable for direct extensions on slides. Swabs ...

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