External dental mini-implants

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External dental mini-implants | Choosing the Right Dental Implant
A connector is fitted to the head of the dental implant. It works as an anchor for the implant abutment that connects the implant to the prosthetic crown. Since there are different types of implants and prosthetic crowns, connectors come in different shapes, such as hexagonal, octagonal, conical, ball-shaped, and tri-lobe. What's important is that the connector's shape and size are compatible with the abutment that will be screwed onto it. There are two...
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conical dental mini-implant
conical dental mini-implant
BoneTrust® mini

Implant diameter: 2.3, 2.5 mm

The two-piece, screwed interim implant made of pure titanium grade 4. Unique, two-piece implantology concept for the interim restoration. In collaboration with Prof. F. Khoury and the Schloss Schellenstein private ...

conical dental mini-implant
conical dental mini-implant
Mini series

Implant diameter: 2 mm
Implant length: 10, 13 mm

... actual task, in this connection, is the maintenance of patient's life quality. This task can be fulfilled by means of mini implants as temporal prosthetic appliances supporting units making and fixing ...

conical dental mini-implant
conical dental mini-implant

Implant diameter: 1.8, 2.4, 2, 3 mm
Implant length: 13, 11.5, 15, 10 mm

Mini implant without transmucosal neck The package includes: mini implant + O-Ring connection for prosthesis and OT-CAP connection. Mini implant ...

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