Feline training manikins

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2 companies | 5 products
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Feline training manikins | Choosing the Right Training Manikin
Training manikins can be divided into two broad categories, depending on whether they represent humans or animals (for veterinary purposes). Human manikin: Models are available that represent human patients with different characteristics: Age: Child or baby training manikins for pediatric care or obstetrics procedures Adult manikin for general health care Elderly manikin for geriatric care and gerontology Sex: Male or female Shape...
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emergency care training manikin
emergency care training manikin

Like its canine counterpart Critical Care Jerry, Critical Care Fluffy is a full-sized, realistic feline manikin. It has all the features present in Critical Care Jerry – trachea, esophagus, epiglottis, ...

bandaging training manikin
bandaging training manikin

The feline counterpart of Jerry, Fluffy has realistic working lungs and an artificial pulse. Students learn to perform feline compressions and mouth-to-snout resuscitation. It is also designed to splint ...

veterinary training manikin
veterinary training manikin

Our feline CPR manikin, is designed for training purposes to teach individuals how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques on cats. CaPpeR allows trainees to practice ...

critical care training manikin
critical care training manikin

... resuscitation on the cat. Moreover, one can also practice cat restraint, bandaging, and venipuncture (there are several vein practice sites.) CCF accessories include a carrying case, artificial training ...

See the other products
Rescue Critters
veterinary training manikin
veterinary training manikin

The feline counterpart of Jerry, Fluffy has realistic working lungs and an artificial pulse. Students learn to perform feline compressions and mouth-to-snout resuscitation. It is also designed to splint ...

See the other products
Rescue Critters
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