Femoral condyle compression bone screws

3 companies | 3 products
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radial head compression bone screw
radial head compression bone screw

Bio headless compression screws are used for variety of indications. Due to the design, these mini biodegradable screw maintains fixation, even after the surgery. And maintains compression ...

large bone fragment compression bone screw
large bone fragment compression bone screw

6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 60mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 65mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 70mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 75mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 80mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 85mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 90mm 6.5 ...

small bone fragment compression bone screw
small bone fragment compression bone screw

Astrolabe’s Cannulated Bone Screws 3,5mm are intended for the fixation of small bones.

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