- Secondary care >
- Orthopedic surgery >
- Femoral condyle compression bone screw
Femoral condyle compression bone screws
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Bio headless compression screws are used for variety of indications. Due to the design, these mini biodegradable screw maintains fixation, even after the surgery. And maintains compression ...
6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 60mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 65mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 70mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 75mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 80mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 85mm 6.5 Ø Locking, cannulated * 90mm 6.5 ...
Astrolabe’s Cannulated Bone Screws 3,5mm are intended for the fixation of small bones.
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