Flow meters with calibrated orifices

4 companies | 6 products
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variable-area flow meter
variable-area flow meter

Output: 6, 15, 14, 50, 30 l/min
Pressure: 466.6 Pa
Weight: 0 kg

... PLUS flowmeters are instant flow measurement devices with calibrated orifices for medical gases supply and dosage, particularly suitable in oxygen therapy, ...

See the other products
variable-area flow meter
variable-area flow meter

Output: 14, 6, 30, 15, 50 l/min
Pressure: 466.6 Pa
Weight: 0 kg

The flowmeters type EASYMED® are top-quality instant flow measurement devices with calibrated orifices for regulating the dosage of oxygen and air in ...

See the other products
double flow meter
double flow meter

Output: 50, 14, 6, 30, 15 l/min
Pressure: 466.6 Pa
Weight: 0 kg

The flowmeters type EASYMED® are top-quality instant flow measurement devices with calibrated orifices for regulating the dosage of oxygen and air in ...

See the other products
double flow meter
double flow meter

Output: 40 l/min
Pressure: 4.5 bar
Weight: 650 g

FLOWMETER BACKPRESSURE ALLOWED Maximal inlet pressure (bar) : - 4.5 Outlet pressure (bar) : - 0 - 0 Maximal discharge (l/min) : - 40 Gas compatibility : - O2 - Air

variable-area flow meter
variable-area flow meter

Output: 0 l/min - 25 l/min
Pressure: 50 psi

Allied’s new Click-It flowmeters are designed for use with hospital and EMS oxygen and air delivery systems where a precisely metered supply of gas is required. Click-It flowmeters offer a wide range ...

medical gas flow meter
medical gas flow meter

Output: 0 l/min - 15 l/min

... anesthesia machine flowmeters and are not designed to be used as a stand-alone. Oxygen Flowmeter, 0-1 LPM Oxygen Flowmeter, 0-4 LPM Standard size used for small animals. Oxygen Flowmeter, 0-12 LPM Allows ...

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