Fluoroscopy contrast media injectors

4 companies | 6 products
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angiography contrast media injector
angiography contrast media injector

Console The console displays requested information precisely.The supreme CUG has improved safety. Control Panel All the items and data can be viewed at a glance on the control panel.It supports accurate input operation. Operation ...

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angiography contrast media injector
angiography contrast media injector

Control Panel The control panel quickly provides requested information. It supports accurate input operation.

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fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

Zenith Angiography Injector is an injector for multiple imaging applications: coronary angiography, ventriculograms and aortograms, etc. It can also be used in digital gastrointestinal diagnosis for peripheral ...

fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

Are you looking for a contrast medium injector that can be used in a variety of ways? The Accutron® HP-D is a precise multi-talent - a dual head contrast media injector ...

fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

Looking for an all-rounder for your Angio suite? The Accutron® HP is a single-piston contrast medium injector designed for precise injection of contrast media angiography ...

fluoroscopy contrast media injector
fluoroscopy contrast media injector

SinoAngio-1200 is a model of injector for digital substraction angiography machine.It is considered as a reliable friend of the cath lab,and faciliate the angiogram procedure in large degree.Injection pressure limit up ...

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