Fully-automatic testers

10 companies | 12 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
mercury analyzer
mercury analyzer

The mercury analyzer RA-915M is a unique all-purpose high sensitivity analytical instrument for measuring mercury, especially for the real time detection of mercury vapor in air, mercury detection in water, natural and ...

flow tester
flow tester
DecaVertus® III

DecaVertus® III is a fully-automated, high throughput 10-way shake and fire to waste system for metered dose inhaler (MDI) testing. Automating firing-to-waste for through life testing of up to ten MDIs per test run, ...

temperature analyzer
temperature analyzer

Analysis of surfactant solutions for dynamic processes The BP100 Bubble Pressure Tensiometer analyzes the mobility of surfactants based on the dynamic surface tension (SFT). This allows you to find out how quickly surface-active substances ...

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biology analyzer
biology analyzer

Core functions: 1. Common cell operations, such as passage, medium change, culture, etc. completely replace the manual operations of technicians 2. Automatically collect cell phenotypes and analyze them with the IntellVega artificial ...

multigas analyzer
multigas analyzer
Cryo Range

CryoPrep fully automated stable isotope analysis of the trace gases CO2, N2O, CH4, CO, and NO, alongside N2, O2 and air ratio measurements, by utilising cryogenic focusing, combustion and gas chromatography CryoGas has ...

disintegration tester
disintegration tester

This is the fully automatic version of the PTZ AUTO 2. With upgraded electronics and the PT-MKT or PT-MKT33 baskets. The dual station Tablet and Capsule Disintegration Test Instrument will allow the fully ...

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Pharma Test Apparatebau
flow analyzer
flow analyzer
BioProfile FAST CDV

... innovative and automated sampling preparation, results are available in just one minute while eliminating virtually all manual sample prep procedures. Two precision syringe pumps perform all necessary dilution steps enabling ...

leakage current test monitoring
leakage current test monitoring

Leak and flow test for manifold with face seal assembly. Features: Full automatic assembly Vision inspection to confirm position accuracy of laser marking Clean room compliant Control system built with professional ...

oxygen analyzer
oxygen analyzer

The AO-200 High precision oxygen analyzer is an analyzer specially designed for measuring high-purity oxygen. It is designed with advanced ion flow oxygen sensor, high performance ARM microprocessor and ...

bubble point analyzer
bubble point analyzer
ASTM D1120

Fully-automatic system for the determination of the equilibrium boiling point of engine coolants conforming to ASTM D1120 and brake fluids according to SAE-J1704 and other standards. The system is ...

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