Genetic mutation test kits

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cystic fibrosis assay kit
cystic fibrosis assay kit

... amplification reagents intended for the nucleic acid multiplex amplification of 40 regions of the CFTR gene (regions for some mutations are combined) in only one reaction. The INNO-LiPA CFTR iage approach ...

medical research assay kit
medical research assay kit

Result display time: 8 min - 9 min
Sample volume: 2 ml - 5 ml
Specificity: 70 % - 74 %

... peripheral EDTA anticoagulant blood as the test specimen to detect the copy number of SMN1 at the 7th exon and (or) the 8th exon in human genomic DNA. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive genetic ...

genetic mutation detection kit
genetic mutation detection kit

... Infectious Peritonitis Virus (FCoV/FIPV) Nucleic Acid Detection Kit provides a reliable and rapid solution for the qualitative detection of FCoV/FIPV nucleic acid in hydrothorax and ascite samples. The ...

cervical cancer test kit
cervical cancer test kit

Sample volume: min 18.0 ml

... room temperature. It allows, from a single sample, in addition to cytopathological exams, the processing of other molecular tests for STIs.

EGFR mutation test kit
EGFR mutation test kit
Droplex v2

... solution to identify gene mutation in different types of cancer to facilitate targeted therapy. By incorporating Droplet Digital PCR technology, Droplex shows improved sensitivity with wider mutation ...

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endometrial cancer test kit
endometrial cancer test kit
Droplex POLE

... tailored for individual patients. Regulatory status - IVD Compatible Mutation variants - 6 Storage Temp - -20°C (+/-3°C) 3 well-reactions/test (32 tests/kit)

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KRAS mutation test kit
KRAS mutation test kit
Droplex v2

... treatment that is tailored for individual patients. Regulatory status - IVD-CDx Mutation variants - 28 Storage Temp - -20°C (+/- 3°C) 4 well-reactions/test (24 tests/kit)

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genetic mutation assay kit
genetic mutation assay kit

“MOLgen Genetics AZF-microdeletions Kit” is an assay kit for the differentialdetermination of Y-chromosome AZF locus deletions using real-time PCR. Introduction “MOLgen ...

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genetic mutation assay kit
genetic mutation assay kit

... performed using “Molgen Universal Extraction Kit”. The kit is intended for use with block-type PCR cycler CFX96 (Bio-Rad, USA) such as Adaltis AmpliLab. The kit contains reagents ...

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genetic mutation assay kit
genetic mutation assay kit

... performed using “Molgen Universal Extraction Kit”. The kit is intended for use with block-type PCR cycler CFX96 (Bio-Rad, USA) such as Adaltis AmpliLab The kit contains reagents ...

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genetic disorder test kit
genetic disorder test kit

Result display time: 2 min
Specificity: 100 %
Sensitivity: 98.5, 100 %

... with higher risk of thrombosis and embolisms. Variant detection by genetic testing is important in patients with hypercoagulability to provide adapted therapy. Coagulation ELITe MGB® Kit is a real-time ...

genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit

Sensitivity: 95 %

... Plasma-SeqSensei™ IVD Software. The kit covers key gene mutations such as AKT1, ERBB2, ESR1, KRAS, PIK3CA, and TP53 to detect established and emerging predictive markers, resistance mutations, ...

thalassemia test kit
thalassemia test kit

The kit is used for in vitro qualitative detection of whether whole blood DNA samples carry α-thalassaemia deletion genes. The kit can detect three α-thalassemia deleted gene including --SEA, -α3.7and ...

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Yaneng Bioscience (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit
Anyplex™ II

... tuberculosis and 25 mutations associated with MDR-TB Wild-type Control WTC[1](Wild-type Control) and Internal Control (IC) for assay validity DNA extraction solution Reagent for DNA Detection ...

genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit

... Leukocyte Antigen B27 Nucleic Acid Test Kit Predicator of Ankylosing Spondylitis This product is used for the qualitative detection of HLA-B27 subtype B27*04 and B27*05 subtype in human whole blood ...

thalassemia test kit
thalassemia test kit
GenoFlow R12006

Test detects 22 human beta globin mutations in blood or oral buccal samples. The kit identifies the most relevant mutations in the beta globin genes in the Southeast Asia region.

thrombophilia test kit
thrombophilia test kit

Thrombophilia is a multi-factor disease revealing several predisposing genetic and environmental risk factors. Protein C deficiency and Protein S deficiency belong to the congenital thrombophilic risk factors. AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS ...

thrombophilia test kit
thrombophilia test kit

... Panel Kit v1 detects Factor II mutation in the 3’UTR region of FII gene; namely G20210A (prothrombin mutation /a change of guanine to adenine) and Factor V Leiden mutations; ...

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Anatolia Tani ve Biyoteknoloji Urunleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 
SMN1 gene test kit
SMN1 gene test kit
AmplideX PCR/CE SMN1 Plus

Result display time: 60 min

... additional variants, such as SMN1 gene duplication events and disease modifier in SMN2. The AmplideX® PCR/CE SMN1/2 Plus Kit* revolutionizes the analysis of these two genes by delivering comprehensive results in less ...

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progesterone test kit
progesterone test kit

Result display time: 60, 30, 5 min
Sample volume: 0.025 ml

... deficiency as well. Measurement of 17-Alpha-OHP is therefore valuable in the initial diagnosis of CAH. The DRG 17-OH Progesterone ELISA Kit is a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), ...

single cell DNA sequencing test kit
single cell DNA sequencing test kit

... sensitive and customizable panels that enable true multi-omics analysis on the Tapestri Platform. Whether identifying co-mutation patterns and zygosity in subclones or cellular identities and subtle cell states, Tapestri ...

prothrombin test kit
prothrombin test kit
RQ-27 series

Kit for detection and genotyping of the G20120A mutation in the human gene coding for Coagulation Factor II by Real-Time PCR The kit includes: Ready-to-use reagents ...

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AB Analitica
genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit

Human BRAF gene mutation detection kit (Fluorescence PCR method) Features : - For qualitatively detect BRAF gene V600E mutation (ie 1799T>A) - Evaluate gene mutation ...

genetic disorder test kit
genetic disorder test kit

... conventional methods. This kit canbe used for the diagnosis of Y-chromosomal microdeletionsof the AZFa (sY84 and sY86), AZFb (sY127 and sY134), and AZFc (sY254 and sY255)region on azoospermic and oligozoospermic men. ...

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JiangsuRepoDx Biotechnology Co., Ltd
genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit
EGFR XL StripAssay®

... for the presence of EGFR mutations prior to TKI treatment. Patients carrying EGFR mutations known as `activating mutations´ may benefit from first- or second- or third-generation TKIs. ...

typhoid test kit
typhoid test kit

1. The deletion of 20q was found in MPD, MDS(4%), AML(1%) and other diseases. It has a good prognosis. 2. The deletion of 12 microregions of 20q was found in MPD and MDS.

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Celnovte Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
genetic mutation detection kit
genetic mutation detection kit

Result display time: 90 min

... specificity Double Blocking Technology to Strengthen Specificity Product information Intended use:Qualitative detection of 7 mutations in codons 12 and 13 of exon 2 of KRA gene in paraffin-embedded tissue samples ...

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Guangzhou HEAS BioTech Co., Ltd.
genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit

Result display time: 3 h
Sample volume: 4 ml

Xpert ® NPM1 Mutation is an automated test for quantifying the amount of mutant NPM1 mRNA transcripts (types A, B, and D in exon 12) as a ratio of NPM1 Mutation/ABL1 with high sensitivity. The ...

genetic mutation test kit
genetic mutation test kit

... both highly conserved and hypervariable regions. EasySeq™ 18S rRNA and Cyp51A Kit allows for the identification of fungi, including Aspergillus species and Cyp51A mutation (Azole resistance) status, ...

genetic disorder test kit
genetic disorder test kit
Sicklevue ®

Result display time: 10 min - 15 min

Hb S solubility test for screening sickle cell anaemia Pack Size 20 Tests

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