Gynecological examination software

4 companies | 4 products
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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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gynecological examination software
gynecological examination software
Smart-Fetal-Link for Windows® Ver. 2

Features 1.Smart-mobile FHR monitoring data management. 2. Up to 72 hours per data monitored by handheld Doppler ES-100V3/Smartdop 45. 3. Real time monitoring available with alarm capability.

ultrasound imaging software
ultrasound imaging software

... with MonEcho is the guarantee of a consultation carried out in complete safety, whatever the ultrasound examination performed. Pre-set examination templates for gynecology/obstetrics, cardiology/vascular ...

gynecological examination software
gynecological examination software

... languages. Additional languages are available on request. NEXUS AND ASTRAIA The astraia software gmbh is part of the NEXUS group. The astraia software has been translated into over 20 languages ...

medical software
medical software

astraia Gynaecology offers a clear step-by-step analysis of your patient’s medical history, of findings from examinations and laboratory results – all leading to a diagnostic outcome. Routine gynaecological procedures ...

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