Healthcare facility heat and moisture exchangers

5 companies | 8 products
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patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

The products is suitable for patients who have established artificial airway to exchange heat and humidity of the gas they breathe and filter particles, bacteria and viruses. Advantages: 1.99.9%Bacterial viral efficiency 2.High ...

patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

The products is suitable for patients who have established artificial airway to exchange heat and humidity of the gas they breathe and filter particles, bacteria and viruses. Advantages: 1.99.9%Bacterial viral efficiency 2.High ...

patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

The products is suitable for patients who have established artificial airway to exchange heat and humidity of the gas they breathe and filter particles, bacteria and viruses. Advantages: 1.99.9%Bacterial viral efficiency 2.High ...

healthcare facility heat and moisture exchanger
healthcare facility heat and moisture exchanger

... spontaneously breathing patients to benefit from heat and moisture conservation. HMEs conserve a patient’s heat and moisture by capturing the heat ...

patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

... and home-care environments. Lightweight with low dead space provides optimum patient ventilation, ensuring efficient heat and moisture retention.

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GaleMed Corporation
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

... designed to work on patients with mechanical ventilation under critical care or anesthesia, to ensure minimal loss of heat and moisture from respiratory air.

See the other products
GaleMed Corporation
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

Angiplast Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best Heat Moisture Exchange Filter / HME Filter manufacturers, exporters and suppliers in the global at affordable rate. The Heat and Exchange Moisturizers ...

patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger
patient breathing circuit heat and moisture exchanger

HME for tracheostomy patient, pleated, second generation 50 PCS/Box

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