Hematocrit POC analyzers

5 companies | 6 products
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photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer

Clini5 is part of the Check&Go concept designed by Callegari Lifescience, dedicated to self-analysis and personal well-being. Clini5 is a photometer aimed at determining the main clinical chemistry parameters in whole blood samples. It ...

fluorescence immunoassay POCT analyzer
fluorescence immunoassay POCT analyzer

Getein 1100 Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer (hereinafter called Getein 1100) is an analyzer for processing and analysis of Getein test kits including markers for cardiovascular diseases, renal ...

sepsis POC analyzer
sepsis POC analyzer
EMS Stat Data Link™

Lactate, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Glucose, and Ketone for early patient assessment and treatment Fingerstick capillary sample, no blood draws Results as fast as 6 seconds Laboratory-quality accuracy Durable ...

See the other products
Nova Biomedical
sepsis POC analyzer
sepsis POC analyzer
EMS Stat Basic

... resistant and designed to protect all components if dropped. An adjustable shoulder strap is available. Lactate, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Glucose, and Ketone for early patient assessment and treatment Fingerstick ...

See the other products
Nova Biomedical
hematocrit POC analyzer
hematocrit POC analyzer

Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia occurs in more than 60% of term newborns and is characterized by a peak of serum bilirubin between the 3-5th day of life, returning to normal values ​​in about 2 weeks. In some cases, the level of bilirubin ...

immunochromatographic POC analyzer
immunochromatographic POC analyzer

... blood, urine and other specimens. Advantage 4 tests available in a single analyzer 3-5 minute assay time and minimal training required Battery powered portable analyzer Strips can be stored at ...

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