Hemostatic tissue matrices

6 companies | 11 products
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buccal tissue matrix
buccal tissue matrix

... wound dressing for dental surgery. It is fabricated by native fibrous collagen matrix purified from Australian natural bovine tendons and designed specifically for soft-tissue regeneration in the oral ...

buccal tissue matrix
buccal tissue matrix

... Highly purified type I collagen HealiAid Collagen Wound Dressing is made from natural collagen extracted from bovine tendon tissue. - Effectively promotes wound healing The porous and highly porosity sponge structure ...

nasal tissue matrix
nasal tissue matrix

... • Anti-Adhesion Properties: Creates a physical barrier, preventing tissue adhesion and promoting a smooth healing process. • Enhanced Wound Healing: Collagen supports tissue regeneration, providing ...

buccal tissue matrix
buccal tissue matrix
OssaNova™ C132525K

... It has a bionic composition and structure consistent with natural bone tissue, and has good biocompatibility; ►►The material is biodegraded by crawling replacement of new bone tissue, and the degradation ...

buccal tissue matrix
buccal tissue matrix

... placed on the site after bone grafting without fixing it. The membrane provides a perfect base for the healing of hard and soft tissue and creates a favourable environment for bone regeneration, allowing osteogenic cell ...

vascular tissue matrix
vascular tissue matrix

InSituSeal™ Hemostatic Patch System The InSituSeal™ System is a revolutionary closure device system. With all inclusive system this kit comes with all the pieces necessary for a fast, simple and effective closure. With ...

orthopedic tissue matrix
orthopedic tissue matrix

HEMALIMIT MatrixHEMA LIMIT matrix is a sterile haemostatic preparation based on oxidized cellulose available in the flat form with textile structure. It is destined to arrest capillary bleeding and bleeding from parenchymatous ...

buccal tissue matrix
buccal tissue matrix
Hypro-Sorb® R

... PROPERTIES AND ADVANTAGES haemostatic sponge of pure, crystalline Atelo-Collagen Type I of bovine origin highest degree of tissue biocompatibility with excellent wound healing characteristics preservation of compactness ...

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