Hypoallergenic burn dressing

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2 companies | 3 products
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breathable burn dressing
breathable burn dressing

Transparent semi-permeable dressing, is made of PU film. It is a high quality, ultra-thin comfortable dressing, and has waterproof and bacteria proof, transparence, breathability, high elasticity and ...

polyurethane burn dressing
polyurethane burn dressing

High Absorbent Hydrocolloid Dressing Structure and advantage: PU film watertightness,breathable,blocking bacteria Hydrocolloid material layer water-soluble polymer ...

See the other products
Jiaxing Meson Medical Materials
polyurethane burn dressing
polyurethane burn dressing

Hydrocollold dressing Hydrocollold dressing is an elostomerlc dressing and composed of medical pressure sensitive adhesive, carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) particles, etc. Product ...

See the other products
Jiaxing Meson Medical Materials
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