Hypoallergenic gauze bandages

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3 companies | 3 products
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cotton gauze bandage
cotton gauze bandage

Bandage used as a mechanical barrier for absorption of exudate, or just as supporting device. Distinguishable due to its variable number of threads. 100% cotton Hypoallergenic Latex free SIZES Available ...

hypoallergenic gauze bandage
hypoallergenic gauze bandage

... for securing catheters, gauze and other dressings. It is adaptable and highly conformable, permeable to air and water vapor. It allows the skin to breathe while avoiding the risk of maceration. It features a hypoallergenic, ...

polyester gauze bandage
polyester gauze bandage
Vendari GASA

Vendari GASA is a gauze bandage is within the category of support bandages. It has no elasticity and is made of a selvedge knitted fabric, which prevents the bandage ...

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