Immunofixation electrophoresis systems

2 companies | 5 products
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cellulose acetate electrophoresis system
cellulose acetate electrophoresis system

... analyzed per daily working session. The range of instruments is suitable for small and medium-sized laboratories. the immunofixation method is added to analysis performed by GIANT in order to type monoclonal components ...

manual electrophoresis system
manual electrophoresis system
Manual System

Equipment for manual techniques Semi-Micro II Chamber

multifunction electrophoresis system
multifunction electrophoresis system

... Bubbles generated from the platinum electrode do not interfere with pH changes in the buffer or electrophoresis conditions. Specification Electrophoresis tank Outside dimensions 187.4 x 136.5 ...

multifunction electrophoresis system
multifunction electrophoresis system

... Bands can be observed directly on a transilluminator with a UV transmission electrophoresis tank. The electrophoresis tank and power supply can be divided to wash the electrophoresis ...

multifunction electrophoresis system
multifunction electrophoresis system

Mupid-S is included as standard equipment. Since the electrophoresis device is built-in, you can observe in real time. Ultraviolet light is cut by the lid of the electrophoresis tank, so no darkroom ...

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