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- Infant blanket
Infant blankets
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... 61cm x 94cm) The Infant/Neonate blanket provides warmth to infants, neonates, and small children. The blanket may be used under the patient and comes with a drape ...
Mobile Neonatal Patient Warming Systems TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF NEONATAL PORTABLE WARMING SYSTEM W-100 1. Neonatal Portable Patient warming systems used to prevent babies entering ...
... Babypod Introducing the Advanced Healthcare Technology BP37™ Infant Temperature Maintenance Kit, an innovative solution designed to provide battery-operated, portable thermal support for infants without ...
A wide variety of surgical accessories are required to support surgical and nonsurgical procedures. We recognize the critical need for a clean, organized, and safe environment. Our broad offering of surgical accessories provides solutions ...
Newborn and premature infants’ skin is still very immature and therefore loses an above-average amount of humidity. Additionally, the little patients are unable to maintain their own body temperature. We are here to help ...
... Paediatric Underbody blanket MA3475 features a removable face shield, to form a “tent” of warm air surrounding the head of your ventilated patient. Blue 2 Body is the norm when using our warming blankets. Mistral-Air® ...
TSC Life
... difficulties use a weighted blanket to sleep longer and deeper. On the other hand, people who use a weighted blanket are less sensitive to external stimuli, allowing them to calm down, relax and concentrate. A ...
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