Infant breathing circuits

8 companies | 24 products
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infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit

Compatible with the MVP10 & C2i built in ventilators Corrugated main tubing with EVA material for single patient use Polypropylene for all connector and housing Biocompatible & ISO conformance – Materials and functions conform to international ...

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Bio-Med Devices
infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit
58031, 58035

Neonatal/infant patient circuit– Box of 15. Disposable, single patient use. 10mm ID, 4 foot (1.2m) length. SAFETY NOTE: Only Airon manufactured patient breathing circuits ...

infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit
NCS-841 series

The fresh gas is introduce directly to the patient connection for the minimal deadspace and low resistance of flow.

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Non-Change Enterprise
heated breathing circuit
heated breathing circuit

Heated Wire Circuit - Neonate (CE marked) Specification: Inspiratory limb: 110+30 cm, 22F, MR 850 style humidifier adaptor Non-heated expiratory limb: 90+60 cm with 55ml watertrap 10M Heated expiratory limb: 140cm Patient ...

infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit

Infant breathing circuit, single heated wire, 1.6m, 0.8m limb 10pcs/Box

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Excellentcare Medical
infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit

T-Piece Circuit for Infant with PEEP Valve 25

infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit

... specially developed for single use in combination with Medijet® and Miniflow®. Both products are very well tolerated by premature infants and newborns and are equally effective in application.

infant breathing circuit
infant breathing circuit
AH00 series

... of tubing. Biocompatible & ISO conformance – Materials and functions conform to international standards. Infant Dual Limb Heated Wire Circuit contains both heated inspiratory limb and heated expiratory ...

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