Interventional radiology surgical navigation systems

4 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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neurosurgery surgical navigation system
neurosurgery surgical navigation system

Navient is an innovative image-guided navigation system, utilizing the latest technologies in the field and brings simplicity, accuracy and affordability to the surgical navigation ...

interventional radiology surgical navigation system
interventional radiology surgical navigation system

... develop and integrate the robot intelligent navigation CT system, which comprehensive super-high-end solution for tumor screening, puncture procedure and ablation decision-making. Core machinery part ...

interventional radiology surgical navigation system
interventional radiology surgical navigation system

... through twisting anatomical tracts. When integrated as a component into the workflow of OEM image-guided surgery or interventional systems, the Aurora acts as the link between patient ...

See the other products
interventional radiology surgical navigation system
interventional radiology surgical navigation system
3D Guidance®

... tracking solution delivers exceptional performance and value for OEM image-guided interventional and therapy systems and medical trainers that require real-time navigation tracking capabilities. The ...

See the other products
interventional radiology surgical navigation system
interventional radiology surgical navigation system

... by 57% and variability by 67%, freeing CT room time Reduce radiation by 30-50% Total cost reduced by 1/3rd compared to surgery Quality Ablation with CAS-One IR - A Unique Process Single and multi-instrument trajectories Tumours Safety ...

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