Laboratory densitometers

6 companies | 8 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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laboratory densimeter
laboratory densimeter
BK-DMH series

1. Automatic zero tracking, buzzer warning, and overload warning. 2. Function of solution compensation: necessary if liquid other than water is used as a medium for measuring. 3. Actual water temperature compensation. 4. RS-232C included. Application: It ...

liquid densimeter
liquid densimeter

Measurement of special liquid such as volatile liquid, corrosive liquid, strong acid and strong alkali liquid need optional accessory DE-20B anti corrosive liquid measuring assembly. Features: * LCD Display. * Samples under the ...

laboratory densitometer
laboratory densitometer
TLC Scanner 4

... workstation for densitometric evaluation of TLC/HPTLC chromatograms and other planar objects. The TLC Scanner 4 is a scanning densitometer. It measures the reflection of separated compounds in absorption and/or fluorescence ...

electrophoresis densitometer
electrophoresis densitometer

Miniscan is a high quality densitometer that is able to read electrophoretic paths using an absorbing data reception system with light source auto-regulation. Thanks to dedicated software it is able to report on the analyses ...

laboratory densitometer
laboratory densitometer
DEN-1 series

The Grant bio DEN-1 and DEN-1B are a compact benchtop densitometers (suspension turbidity meter) for measuring turbidity of cell suspensions in a variety of life science applications. Applications Life science - typical ...

laboratory densitometer
laboratory densitometer

Densitometer is designed for measurement of cell suspension's turbidity in the range of 0.0–6.0 McFarland units (0 – 180 × 10^7 cells/ml). Densitometer provides the opportunity to measure solution ...

laboratory densitometer
laboratory densitometer

Densitometer is designed for measurement of cell suspension's turbidity in the range of 0.0–6.0 McFarland units (0 – 180×107 cells/ml). Densitometers provide the opportunity to measure solution turbidity ...

laboratory densitometer
laboratory densitometer

Scanion is designed for electropherogram analysis and measurements on transparent and translucent supports. This semi-automatic densemeter combines high accuracy and reliability with technological features. Scanion reads both stained ...

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