Laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical systems

2 companies | 4 products
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laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
OverStitch™ series

OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System The OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System enables advanced endoscopic surgery ...

laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
OTSC® Proctology Anchor

OTSC® Proctology Anchor can be used with the OTSC® Proctology for grasping and manipulation of tissue. Use of the OTSC® Proctology Anchor OTSC® Proctology Anchor is an instrument that can be used with the OTSC® Proctology. With its tip ...

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Ovesco Endoscopy
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system

BARS® is an endoscopic treatment of weight regain or dumping syndrome after a gastric bypass. The BARS® consists of an application cap with mounted clip and thread, thread retriever and BARS® hand wheel. The BARS® application ...

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Ovesco Endoscopy
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
laparoscopic suturing endoscopic surgical system
BARS® Anchor

Mobilisation aid for bringing together the two opposing anastomosis sides in the BARS® application cap. The BARS® Anchors are supplied in black and silver so they can be easily differentiated.

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Ovesco Endoscopy
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