Large animal veterinary laparoscopes

3 companies | 4 products
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video veterinary laparoscope
video veterinary laparoscope

1. 1/2.8 SONY CMOS FULL HD Image Sensor 2. Built-in 19 inch HD monitor 3. Built in LED cold light source 4. Built-in USB full high-definition image storage, Photo capture/Video recording function; 5. The integrated design ...

large animal veterinary laparoscope
large animal veterinary laparoscope

Laparoscopy has become a desirable alternative to many open abdominal surgical procedures in the horse. Laparoscopic procedures have also been recently developed for cattle, perhaps most significantly for the surgical correction of abomasal ...

video veterinary laparoscope
video veterinary laparoscope

Video Set for laparoscopic repositioning and fixation of abomasal displacement in cattle, wireless 2-step technique (Janowitz technique) Video set for endoscopic LDA/RDA repositioning Janowitz, standard set, with transportation ...

See the other products
Dr. Fritz
video veterinary laparoscope
video veterinary laparoscope

Endoscope for diagnostic and surgical laparoscopy Video laparoscope HD, 0°, 10 mm, 50 cm, SET cordless HD-PAL endoscope for large animals with 5,8 HGz radio transmission, built-in LED ...

See the other products
Dr. Fritz
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