Laryngoscope blades with flexible tip

5 companies | 6 products
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McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

MEGARAY F.O FLEXIRAY Blades are designed with enclosed fibre optic bundle for difficult intubation,these has a tip which is adjustable. A lever controls the tip angle during intubation ...

McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

303/304 SURGICAL Stainless Steel Smooth edges. Rounded Tip and high Quality Surface finish Removable Light Guides Design Allow Easier Cleanmg and Extends Blade Life Provides With 5mm Fiber Optic Bundles ...

McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

This is another addition in the Flexible-Tip blade family. The highly popular MAXlite has been modified and a flexible-tip has been added. Now user who ...

See the other products
Invotech Excel
McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

A lever controls the tip angle during intubation to lift the epiglottis, giving a clear view of the vocal cords. Contact with the upper row of teeth and unnecessary pressure on the tongue and soft tissue are avoided. FEATURES: Available ...

See the other products
Invotech Excel
McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

... decontamination and sterilisation protocols With a 4.5mm overall diameter bundle and over 6500 fibres the blades transmit light to the important blade end in a concentrated, well focussed beam

McCoy laryngoscope blade
McCoy laryngoscope blade

AUG MAXXLITE® FLEXI-TIP Blades are designed with enclosed fibre optic bundle for difficult intubation, these blades have tilting tip upto 90° which help to giving a clear ...

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