Liver disease POC analyzers

3 companies | 3 products
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CLIA POC analyzer
CLIA POC analyzer
iTuBe 3000

Convincing performance Time to first result within 18 minutes Acridinium Ester Chemiluminescence Technology Highest accuracy and precision Lepu Fully Automated CLIA workstation iTUbe 3000 Convincing performance Time to first result ...

spectrum-based POC analyzer
spectrum-based POC analyzer

... simultaneous monitoring of biomarkers in micro-samples. Our innovative analyzer employs multi-test reagent discs, featuring specialized panels such as complications of diabetes, renal, liver, cardiovascular, ...

biochemical POC analyzer
biochemical POC analyzer

Portable Automatic Multi-function Analyzer Core Technology-Liquid Phase iPOCT ‘Cross-platform’ Innovation One instrument, multiple indicators Features: 16*Cartridges, 37*Indicators, including coagulations, ...

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