Locking arthrodesis plates

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Locking arthrodesis plates | Choosing the right bone plate
There are several criteria to consider when choosing a bone plate such as the application, whether the plate is locking or not, the geometry of the holes and the materials it is made of. Application: compression, arthrodesis or osteotomy The part of the bone concerned Side concerned (right or left) Locking plate or not Hole geometry Plate profile Shape and size of the plate Slotted or smooth plate Materials
metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis plate
metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis plate

Polyaxial locking plates for corrective osteotomies, revision surgeries, arthrodeses and interposition arthrodeses of the first metatarsophalangeal joint Characteristics Anatomically pre-formed ...

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forefoot arthrodesis plate
forefoot arthrodesis plate

... Flexible plate and screw configurations. Plate Range Arthodesis Wedge Plate Calcaneal Step Plate General Fusion Plate General Fusion ‘T’ Plate General ...

cervical arthrodesis plate
cervical arthrodesis plate

... Step Locking Mechanism Advanced combined one - step screw locking mechanism (no need for secondary locking mechanism) Self locking design offer both visual and ...

cervical arthrodesis plate
cervical arthrodesis plate

Length: 105, 10 mm
Thickness: 1.9 mm

... Hybrid Anterior Cervical Plate allows for variable and fixed constructs Plate curvature allows for a fit with the natural lordosis of the spine Large window for optimal visualization Optimized screw ...

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cervical vertebra arthrodesis plate
cervical vertebra arthrodesis plate

Self-locking and Pre-Lordotic 4.0mm and 4.5mm screws, with lengths of 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm and 18mm. Variable and fixed Plate options Self-drilling and self-tapping screw options

cervical arthrodesis plate
cervical arthrodesis plate

Length: 90, 17 mm
Number of holes: 10, 4 unit

... screws, fixed emergency screw, plate which provides high strength with low thickness, screws of mobile and fixed bone anchorage. Blocking system that avoids the anteropulsion of screws, is friendly and effective with ...

cervical arthrodesis plate
cervical arthrodesis plate

... Screw Diameters Poliaxial Plate Holes Plate Design Suitable for Screw Delivery at Desired Angle Improved Intraoperative Application and Various Dimension Options Low Profile Design with Specially ...

cervical arthrodesis plate
cervical arthrodesis plate

... construct is desired or in situations where bone purchase has been lost with a 4.0mm screw (revision screw). The plate features a locking mechanism that can be rotated to secure the seated bone screws ...

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