Locking laminoplasty plates

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3 companies | 5 products
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vertebra laminoplasty plate
vertebra laminoplasty plate

Number of holes: 5 unit

Fixation of lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. Laminoplasty (Single Eagle) Laminoplasty (Double Eagle) Cervical Screw Cervical Fixed Screw

vertebra laminoplasty plate
vertebra laminoplasty plate

Number of holes: 4 unit

Fixation of lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. - - Laminoplasty Plate (Wide Mouth) Laminoplasty Plate (T-shape Narrow Mouth) Cervical Screw KLP Cervical Fixed Screw

vertebra laminoplasty plate
vertebra laminoplasty plate

• Increase canal space • Easy-release screwdriver • Tab allows for secure positioning on the lamina • 5 plate sizes and two types of screw (Self drilling and rescue screw)

cervical vertebra laminoplasty plate
cervical vertebra laminoplasty plate
324543 series

Length: 15, 9, 8, 11, 10 mm

... Laminoplasty Plate, narrow, 9mm Laminoplasty Plate, narrow, 10mm Laminoplasty Plate, narrow, 11mm Laminoplasty Plate, ...

cervical vertebra laminoplasty plate
cervical vertebra laminoplasty plate
324544 series

Length: 9, 15, 11, 10, 8 mm

... Laminoplasty Plate, wide, 9mm Laminoplasty Plate, wide, 10mm Laminoplasty Plate, wide, 11mm Laminoplasty Plate, ...

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