Lumbo-sacral support corsets

8 companies | 18 products
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lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

Cut-4-Custom is a corset in 3D-Lite material which consists of a pre-cut front and back section with pre-attached straps. It is easily molded directly on the patient for a custom fitted stable corset. The ...

lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

LSO brace for the treatment of post operative spinal immobilisation, compression fracture, spinal instability, chronic back pain, and degenerative, herniated or bulging disc. Features & Benefits Bivalve design allows ...

lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

The Boston Overlap Brace has been clinically proven effective in the treatment of spinal conditions such as spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, as well as severe back pain, lumbar fusion and fracture. It was the first brace to use ...

lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

The LSO with a bivalve opening allows for tightening on both sides, connecting the anterior and posterior. The low profile orthosis allows compression, expansion, adjustability and good lateral control. Spinal Indications Post-Operative ...

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Spinal Technology
lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

The Custom Bivalve Hip can be custom fabricated and is ideal for immobilization in the treatment of lumbar instability and lumbosacral fusion with anchoring to the sacrum. Motion restrictions may include flexion/extension, rotation and ...

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Optec USA
lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

The Boston spinal orthosis (or scoliosis brace) corrects the scoliosis by providing relief via asymmetrical cut-outs and by applying pressure via specially fitted foam pads. This spinal ...

lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

THE NEW FUZION SPINAL LSO ORTHOSIS IS DESIGNED TO BE FLEXIBLE WHEN DONNING AND DOFFING, YET RIGID ONCE APPLIED. The orthosis limits motion and the soft foam edges provide maximum comfort. The lightweight Fuzion Spinal ...

lumbo-sacral support corset
lumbo-sacral support corset

Lightweight (.090 Thermo plastic) and durable spinal orthosis ¨ Fills the gap between soft lumbo-sacral supports and heavy more rigid orthosis ¨ ...

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