Lung improvement spirometers

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5 companies | 6 products
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computer-based spirometer
computer-based spirometer
Smart One

Peak Flow and FEV1 on your Smartphone! Auto-measuring Peak Flow and FEV1, checking test results on your Smartphone, and sharing them with your physician wherever and whenever you want is now possible with Smart One! Smart One is ...

electronic spirometer
electronic spirometer

Measured volume: 0 l - 10 l

The Vitalograph Lung Age monitor measures FEV1 and compares it with predicted normal values to calculate a smoker or ex-smokers ‘lung age’. A high lung age in relation to the subject’s ...

mechanical spirometer
mechanical spirometer

... Breathacise® spirometer is an incentive spirometer, which is a device that helps you exercise your lungs through deep breathing. How does it work? The Breathacise® spirometer ...

electronic spirometer
electronic spirometer

• FVC, FEV1, FEV1 and FVC (%FEV1) percentage, PEF, FEF25, FEF75 measurements • Flow rate-volume chart, volume-time chart display • Data memory, delete, upload and review • Trend chart display • Information prompts when volume or flow ...

mechanical spirometer
mechanical spirometer

Measured volume: 3,000 ml - 5,000 ml

... thoroughly, which helps maintain bronchial hygiene and avoids infection. 3. 3-balls lung exerciser inhaling breath measurement system helps in achieving maximun lung expansion and strengthening cough ...

mechanical spirometer
mechanical spirometer

Measured volume: 1,200 ml - 1,900 ml

... thoroughly, which helps maintain bronchial hygiene and avoids infection. 3. 3-balls lung exerciser inhaling breath measurement system helps in achieving maximun lung expansion and strengthening cough ...

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