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- Oncology >
- Menghini needle
Menghini needles
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The product consists of a 10 ml. syringe, on which a tube is assembled to sharpening biopsy, a spindle with high penetration atraumatic tip. The syringe is fitted with a steel latch that keeps the vacuum inside the cylinder. The cannula ...

Menghini needle biopsy is called “suction” in fact the fabric is cut at first shearing from the tip of the cannula and then aspirated into the syringe. In the “modified Menghini” needle, ...

... easier with consequent advantages for the operator. The stylet is provided with an inner echo-marker in order that the needle is clearly visible on the monitor during the US guided procedure, with no risk of seeding ...

... hemo-coagulation. SAC® (Stereo Abrasive Cytology) RECOVERY OF CYTOLOGICAL SAMPLING (*): Free from stroma (always present within coring needles) with improved sensibility to cytological diagnosis. NO RISK FOR MALIGNANT ...

... against the accidental detachment of the piston from the syringe. Set HEPA-CUT®, including syringe, biopsy cannula, scalpel, needle for saline solution, simplifies the clinical work and avoids the risk of contamination.

The cannula features a "Menghini" sharpened tip and centimeter markings on its surface that allow for easy determination of insertion depth. The stylet has a bioptic tip and 20 mm specimen notch to easily penetrate ...

... disposable device for soft tissue biopsies such as liver, lymph node, thyroid, and kidney. The needle features a trocar-tipped stylet, autraumatic "Menghini" tip cannula. The device is equipped with ...

... the target gradually transfers vacuum pressure from the syringe to the needle tip avoids sample aspiration into the syringe cylinder, keeping the sample in the cannula The needle is also equipped ...

... Since then, biopsy needles started to be fully developed and in the year 1938. Irving Silverman developed a bifid biopsy needle which is considered the "father" of all current tru-cut type biopsy needles. ...
Zamar Care

Needlewith extremely sharp precision cut Handlewith ergonomic design Safetylock for controlled needle handling Differentneedle lengths and diameters Stif,transparent PTFE tube to prevent kinking

... enhanced visualization under ultrasound guidance Depth markings etched on cannula for precise positioning The Coaxial outer needle permits multiple biopsies (US and CT guided)
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