Metal band pushers

9 companies | 9 products
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metal band pusher
metal band pusher

metal band pusher
metal band pusher

... began to search for the causes, availing of numerous studies conducted worldwide. ZLH110 Spingibande Mershon – Mershon band pusher 14 cm

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher

... instrument with angled, serrated tip to assure a positive grip on band edges and seating lugs. Product Details Lightweight, well-balanced Serrated tip to assure a positive grip on band edges and seating lugs

metal band pusher
metal band pusher

Band Pusher Hollow handle. light and sturdy. Serrated tip on four sides for accurate and slip-resistant positioning while banding. 100-179 Band Pusher Package of 1

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher
OBI 001321

Mershon Band Pusher Description Made of Stainless Steel

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher

MERSHON HEAVY DUTY BAND PUSHER Request Quote Brand: nsi dental Product Code: 1504-2455 Mershon Band Pusher is used to push orthodontic bands to ...

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher

HEAVY DUTY BAND PUSHER 60.90.909.00200 Used for effective control while pushing, brushing, or seating bands. Stainless steel with finely serrated point. Specially treated serrations provide ...

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher

for placing and adjusting the band on teeth a perfect intrument which is serrated on every side

stainless steel band pusher
stainless steel band pusher

... used for gripping, bending, cutting and removing in orthodontic treatment. Product Advantage : The working edges of the band pusher clear, and the other parts don’t have sharp edges, burrs and cracks, ...

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