Mice ventilators

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7 companies | 12 products
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animal research ventilator
animal research ventilator

Tidal volume: 0.1 ml - 5 ml

R415 is a mechanical ventilator used to assist animal respiration, suitable for mice, rats, and guinea pigs, and other animals weighing 10g-1kg. It is widely used in basic medical research, clinical ...

veterinary ventilator
veterinary ventilator

Built-in dog and cat standard ventilation parameters, veterinarians only need to enter the animal’s weight, and then other parameters will be matched automatically such as respiratory rate, tidal volume, and peak airway pressure. R419 ...

veterinary ventilator
veterinary ventilator

... veterinary ventilation innovation! With high-performance turbine drive, R420 ventilator no longer needs driven gas! It’s a good solution to gas consumption problem of traditional ventilators. In addition, ...

anesthesia ventilator
anesthesia ventilator

... display. Connections and airflow specifically designed for mice. High frequency rate (up to 300 strokes/min) for mice under anesthesia. Highly accurate and reliable ventilators ...

veterinary ventilator
veterinary ventilator
Harvard 845

The newly developed MiniVent Model 845 ventilator is a quiet, compact and lightweight ventilator designed specifi- cally for mice. It is designed specifically for mice ...

veterinary ventilator
veterinary ventilator
Ugo Basile 7025

The 7025 Rodent Ventilator is a volume-controlled me- chanical ventilator (according to Starling’s ventilator method), designed for use with rats, guinea pigs, mice and ...

veterinary ventilator
veterinary ventilator
Ugo Basile 28025

Tidal volume: 0.1 ml - 1 ml

This new Respirator, which completes the well known Ugo Basile line of Ventilators, features:- • The tidal volume, in the range 0.1 - 1 ml (or 0.05-0.5 with the smaller piston installed), can be selected via its knob ...

animal research ventilator
animal research ventilator

... designed specifically for mice, the MiniVent can be used for any animals (e.g. birds and perinatal rats) which require tidal volumes in the range of 30-350 µl. The MicroVent Ventilator is ideal for very ...

anesthesia ventilator
anesthesia ventilator

The RoVent Automatic Ventilator for mice and rats allows you to enter the animal's weight as it automatically sets the respiratory rate and tidal volume.

See the other products
Kent Scientific
anesthesia ventilator
anesthesia ventilator

Tidal volume: 1, 0.5, 30, 0.1 ml

... 1:1 PEEP - Via Water Column Ventilator style - Volume limited Gas supply - Air or gas anesthesia Anesthesia interface - YES Electrical Req. - 110V or 220V * Rate & volume adjustments may be made while ventilator ...

emergency ventilator
emergency ventilator

Animal ventilators are commonly used equipment to assist animal respiration. They are widely used in experimental research in basic medicine and surgical operations in clinical medicine. They are suitable for small animals ...

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