Microfluidic immunoassay analyzers

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automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer

iSort300Microfluidic Fluorescence Immunoassay Quantitative Detection System Features The iSort 300 microfluidic fluorescent immunoquantitative detection system uses a combination ...

automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer

Throughput: 120 p/h

Fully automatic microfluidic fluorescence immunological quantitative detection system Features The iSort 2000 automatic microfluidic fluorescence immunoassay quantitative detection ...

automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer

... temperature, stereo temperature control. A drop of blood test shows all results of the same batch. From pg to mg, this immunoassay analyser can meet the requirements of quantitative immunodetection ...

automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer

Throughput: 500 p/h
Test storage capacity: 10,000 unit

This device (Microfluidic Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer) is based on fluorescence immunoassay technology and intended to be used in combination with the detection ...

automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer
mLabs® ImmunoMeter

Portable Microfluidic Immunofluorensence Platform Features Microfluidic technology for high-performance testing Broad test menu covering infectious diseases, cardiovascular, inflammation, thryoid, ...

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Micropoint BioScience Inc.
fully automated immunoassay analyzer
fully automated immunoassay analyzer

Throughput: 240 p/h
Sample volume: 0.01 ml - 0.2 ml

The chemiluminescence immunoassay system uses magnetic particle separation technology, which uses magnetic particles as antibody carriers, which can be evenly distributed in the liquid phase reaction system, with faster ...

fully automated immunoassay analyzer
fully automated immunoassay analyzer

The SMT680 automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer is the company’s 4-year effort. It combines the advantages of large-scale chemiluminescence (high throughput, high precision, ...

fully automated immunoassay analyzer
fully automated immunoassay analyzer

Seamaty SMT780 is a compact automated immunoassay system. It is based on the chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) principles, combining microcapillary technology and antibody labeling technology which ...

automatic immunoassay analyzer
automatic immunoassay analyzer

... compact package that doesn't break your budget or your lab bench. Ella does immunoassays in a microfluidic Simple Plex cartridge. It's like using a pre-kitted immunoassay, except everything's ...

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