Molecular biology microcentrifuges

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molecular biology microcentrifuge
molecular biology microcentrifuge
5418 R

Speed: 100 rpm - 14,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,873 unit
Noise level: 57 dB

Centrifuge 5418 R is a 18-place microcentrifuge that is specifically designed for low to medium capacity in 1.5/2.0 mL tubes and Microtainer®. The speed of up to 16,873 × g allows for standard molecular ...

laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 100 rpm - 15,060 rpm
RCF max (g): 21,300, 3,217 unit
Noise level: 54 dB

These 24-place microcentrifuges have been engineered to be extremely quiet. Short runs up to 12 minutes are whisper quiet at an average noise level of 45 dB(A) and maximum speed of up to 21,300 × g. This is sufficient ...

laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 90 rpm - 18,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 24,270 unit
Weight: 47, 50.7 kg

... high performance centrifuges for molecular biology and basic research. Labnet's newest C0336 series of high performance centrifuges are capable of high-speed operation, expanding their use to applications in molecular ...

molecular biology microcentrifuge
molecular biology microcentrifuge
Gyro™ Plus

Speed: 1 rpm - 12 rpm
RCF max (g): 6,900 unit
Weight: 1 kg

... for a spin! DESCRIPTION Variable speed microcentrifuge, with multiple speed settings through a user-friendly LED. Widely used in physical and chemistry analyses, biochemistry, molecular and cell ...

biology microcentrifuge
biology microcentrifuge

Speed: 0 rpm - 15,800 rpm
RCF max (g): 23,444 unit
Noise level: 50 dB

M1324 Microcentrifuge (ventilated model), with speeds up to 15,800 rpm(23444×g), is ideal for life science research and production in industries such as biology, chemistry, and materials science, bioengineering, ...

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