Mucus swabs

7 companies | 13 products
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oral swab
oral swab

Helps remove debris and oral secretions while stimulating oral tissues between brushings. The long neck of this brush helps to reach all areas of the oral cavity. With built in direct attachment for the suction line you ...

oral hygiene swab
oral hygiene swab

Length: 15.5 cm

... solution of your choice, because these DenTips are untreated. The foam swab helps provide the mouthwash or apply a mouth moisturiser to the lips and gums. Untreated DenTips Oral Swabs are available ...

microbiology swab
microbiology swab

Pruduct Features: Swabs:Flocked swabs have no toxic effect on viruses, DNA, RNAfree.It maximizes the collection,release RNA, and ensure the accuracy PCR test results. The swabs are made ...

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sample recovery swab
sample recovery swab

Length: 100, 150, 75, 170 mm

... -shaped swab Sampling method and overview The flexible swab head is easier to bend than ordinary hard plastic nasopharyngeal swab to accommodate shaped sampling spot, it can be ...

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Amazing Biotech Co., Ltd
microbiology swab
microbiology swab

Length: 154 mm
Head diameter: 1 mm

The product is intended to collect a sample of the nasal mucosa or nasal concha, or saliva or mucous membranes in the patient's mouth to test for virus (ex. Covid-19), Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma and consisted of three part. ...

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Biz Distribution
mucus swab
mucus swab
950 102

– Incontinence care product – Designed to clean the teeth and oral mucosa areas.

mucus swab
mucus swab

... 25ppi density white Oral Swab sticks, sterile unflavored are designed to allow the patient to moisten the swab naturally. The raised foam ridges with excellent touching feeling & effectively remove ...

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