Multi-articulated partial hand prostheses

2 companies | 4 products
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body-powered partial hand prosthesis
body-powered partial hand prosthesis

... articulation The MCPDriver™ is for those amputees who've suffered an amputation closer to the hand. Through movement of the MCP joint, or knuckle, the prosthesis mimics the flexion and extension of a ...

See the other products
Naked Prosthetics
body-powered partial hand prosthesis
body-powered partial hand prosthesis

PIPDriver™ The device that started it all This prosthesis suits amputees whose middle joint (or PIP) is still intact. Sturdy, yet elegant, the PIPDriver™ protects the amputation site against further injury or hypersensitivity, ...

See the other products
Naked Prosthetics
body-powered partial hand prosthesis
body-powered partial hand prosthesis

... opposition and strength The thumb is, arguably, the most important digit in the hand. This makes a functional solution for thumb amputees a very real necessity. Our ThumbDriver™ prosthesis is designed ...

See the other products
Naked Prosthetics
myo-electric partial hand prosthesis
myo-electric partial hand prosthesis

... amputation of upper limb, either above or below the elbow, you can also benefit from a prosthesis. You have several options depending on your desired functions. Your prosthesis may be passive, mobile ...

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