Nasal cosmetic prostheses

4 companies | 5 products
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nasal cosmetic prosthesis
nasal cosmetic prosthesis

... you recover by making and fitting a custom lifelike silicone nose prosthesis. Look at our recent wonderful woman who battled back from ablative surgery to get an easy-to-use nose prosthesis ...

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Medical Art Prosthetics
nasal cosmetic prosthesis
nasal cosmetic prosthesis

The approach of Medical Art Prosthetics toward the creation of an orbital prosthesis involves medical, artistic and prosthetic components – none being more or less important than the others. Trained in basic medical sciences ...

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Medical Art Prosthetics
nasal cosmetic prosthesis
nasal cosmetic prosthesis

... taken and used later to create the prosthesis. A nasal prosthesis is medically necessary in order to protect the delicate mucus membranes which are exposed in the absence of the nasal ...

nasal cosmetic prosthesis
nasal cosmetic prosthesis

Nasal Prosthesis The majority of our nasal patients lost their nose due to trauma or disease. If the nose is not yet removed, we can take an impression ...

nasal cosmetic prosthesis
nasal cosmetic prosthesis

... pharynx, sinus cavity and entire sub-dermal sinus cavity prosthesis can help restore the natural humidity of the area and improve both the voice resonance and the air control affecting ...

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