Non-woven gauze bandages

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Non-woven gauze bandages | Choosing the Right Wound Care Material
Adhesive dressings, bandages, gauze rolls, undercast padding, tubular bandages, and liquid bandages are among the main products for treating skin lesions. Wound dressings: These are dressings made of breathable material, which are available in different sizes and shapes and with different characteristics (antimicrobial, hemostatic, hydrocolloid, etc.). Medical tapes: These are tapes with an adhesive side, suitable for fixing bandages and compresses. They...
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non-woven gauze bandage
non-woven gauze bandage

1:) Different weight can be done,30gsm,35 gsm,40gsm,45gsm or 50 gsm 2;):In house of sterilization equippments for ETO sterilization 3):Customized package can be done in house making,1/2/3/4/5/10 pieces per pack 4): Pre-washed ...

cotton gauze bandage
cotton gauze bandage

... . Wound and limb wrapping to protect injuries. Additional packing for compression bandages. *As compared to standard crinkle fluff cotton gauze **This non-woven ...

See the other products
H&H Medical
cotton gauze bandage
cotton gauze bandage

all edges folded inside to prevent the release of threads small dressing material with high absorption capacity different sizes make it possible to adjust the absorption to individual needs can be sterilised Application: for ...

non-woven gauze bandage
non-woven gauze bandage

Allmed gauze balls and non-woven balls are ideal selections for the absorption of blood and exudate. It can also be used for wound cleaning and skin disinfection.

antimicrobial gauze bandage
antimicrobial gauze bandage
CG-212-X Series

AnsCare ChitoClot Gauze is composed of 100% chitosan non-woven. The hemostatic performance is extremely effective comparing to other commercial products impregnated or coated with hemostatic ...

cotton gauze bandage
cotton gauze bandage

... Disposable Brand gyf Model gy101 Model: 11-50041.11-50042,11-50043 Features: medical materials and accessories Name: Non-woven gauze color: White Weight: 30 grams Size: ...

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