Non-woven undercast padding bandages

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3 companies | 3 products
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polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage
CMW0 series

A non-woven polyester padding that is porous, highly conformable and strong, yet easy to tear. Suitable for use with all casting materials, plaster and synthetic. Product Details Spun ...

cotton undercast padding bandage
cotton undercast padding bandage

The orthopaedic padding is manufactured from white, odourless woven cotton fibres or from a mixture of woven cotton fibres and thin non-woven polyethylene ...

polyester undercast padding bandage
polyester undercast padding bandage
11 06 002 003

... / 2.5 (± 0.3) g. In extension (cm): 22 (± 1) X66 (± 2) Medical device CE marked Class 1 non-sterile. Storage: Store in a dry and clean Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Note: ...

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