Optical sensors

2 companies | 3 products
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pressure sensor
pressure sensor

Aqualabo’s LowTuS turbidity probe employs an ISO 7027 compliant nephelometric method, ensuring precise turbidity measurements from 0 to 100 NTU. Its unique self-cleaning mechanism guarantees sustained accuracy in time. Advantages Nephelometric ...

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dissolved oxygen sensor
dissolved oxygen sensor

... features our high-end luminescent optical technology, offers two different strainers to choose from and an optional antifouling solution. It’s a cost-effective solution for aquaculture applications. Advantages Optical ...

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dissolved oxygen sensor
dissolved oxygen sensor
VisiFerm mA 120 H3

Pressure range: -1 bar - 12 bar

... oxygen (DO) sensor for use in explosive environment. Designed especially for production environments, the VisiFerm mA is a 2-wire sensor with 4-20 mA standard or digital HART signal output, and ATEX, ...

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