Oxidative stress POC analyzers

4 companies | 5 products
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CLIA POC analyzer
CLIA POC analyzer
iTuBe 3000

Convincing performance Time to first result within 18 minutes Acridinium Ester Chemiluminescence Technology Highest accuracy and precision Lepu Fully Automated CLIA workstation iTUbe 3000 Convincing performance Time to first result ...

photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer

Clini5 is part of the Check&Go concept designed by Callegari Lifescience, dedicated to self-analysis and personal well-being. Clini5 is a photometer aimed at determining the main clinical chemistry parameters in whole blood samples. It ...

photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer

... perform both tests. FRAS 5 is also able to calculate the oxidative stress index (OSI) in real time. The OSI index is an excellent starting point for the physician’s overall assessment of oxidative ...

photometric POC analyzer
photometric POC analyzer
FREE Carpe Diem

... photometry. It is specifically designed to carry out not only all the Panel Carratelli tests for the global assessment of oxidative stress, but also a series of chemical-clinical tests such as cholesterol ...

See the other products
Diacron International S.r.l.
oxidative stress POC analyzer
oxidative stress POC analyzer

... is the latest instrument developed by Diacron International. It has been specifically designed for the assessment of oxidative stress and performs the Panel Carratelli tests rapidly and effortlessly. ...

See the other products
Diacron International S.r.l.
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