Oxygen veterinary masks

4 companies | 5 products
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anesthesia veterinary mask
anesthesia veterinary mask

... brands anesthesia machines and ventilators -Used for animals including: cats, dogs, pigs, rabbits, birds, mice, deer, etc. -Used for animal anesthesia, animal first-aid, animal ...

oxygen veterinary mask
oxygen veterinary mask

The McCulloch Medical™ Oxygen Recovery Masks facilitate post-surgery, post-trauma and post smoke-inhalation patient recovery. Masks feature a rubber-mounted 22mm oxygen ...

See the other products
McCulloch Medical
oxygen veterinary mask
oxygen veterinary mask

The McCulloch Medical™ Oxygen Recovery Masks facilitate post-surgery, post-trauma and post smoke-inhalation patient recovery. Masks feature a rubber-mounted 22mm oxygen ...

See the other products
McCulloch Medical
anesthesia veterinary mask
anesthesia veterinary mask

oxygen veterinary mask
oxygen veterinary mask

Inhalation mask for animals can be used: for oxygenation of animals without placing them in a cell aerosol inhalation anesthesia The mask is completely transparent, ...

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