Pack of 800 cleansing wipes

2 companies | 3 products
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floors ans surface cleansing wipes
floors ans surface cleansing wipes

The ProMedCo Surface Disinfectant Wipes range are Hospital grade, soap free and effective against 99.9% of common germs. Low foaming and non-tainting and ideal for non porous and hard surfaces.

See the other products
floors ans surface cleansing wipes
floors ans surface cleansing wipes

The ProMedCo Surface Disinfectant Wipes range are Hospital grade, soap free and effective against 99.9% of common germs. Low foaming and non-tainting and ideal for non porous and hard surfaces.

See the other products
floors ans surface cleansing wipes
floors ans surface cleansing wipes

... Active Ingredient: Benzalkonium chloride 0.13% (w/w) Available Sizes: 80 wipe Canister, 130 wipe Canister, 400 wipe Bucket, 400 wipe Refill Bag, 800 ...

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