Pain patient monitors

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4 companies | 4 products
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trolley-mounted patient monitor
trolley-mounted patient monitor

... micro-vascular blood flow in response to standard (and custom) pressure cuff inflation protocols. The system combines a blood flow monitor with an automatic cuff control system and new user friendly clinical software. ...

TEMP patient monitor
TEMP patient monitor

... device quantifies the patient’s physiological response to pain (nociception). The PMD-200 is designed for the operating room and critical care settings, where patients under general ...

handheld patient monitor
handheld patient monitor

Weight: 15 g

... Saline, No Air injection More safety and accuracy Complete Cervical procedure Pressure sensor with digit signal, then display on LED Needle encounters the epidural space Perceives negative pressure with a pre-set ...

portable patient monitor
portable patient monitor

Screen size: 17, 8.4, 12.1, 15, 21.5 in

The patient monitors Chirana are designed for intensive care units, departments of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care medicine and also for the operating room as part of anesthetic equipment. They ...

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